Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 363 (Easter Monday)

Woke up at a sensible time for a change! It was a little misty out and the weather forecast was for a bright and sunny afternoon, so I decided I would get started on some house chores first then go for a cycle ride after lunch :-)

I painted the front sheds with wood preserver, fixed the outside tap (The pipe had burst over the winter), replaced the kitchen tap (It had developed a leak from the mixer head) then stopped for lunch. By this time the sun had come out and the weather was fantsatic :-)

I set off at about 12:40pm, the intention was to repeat yesterday's Headington, Tockenham ride.

I had been meaning to stop at the church at Tockenham for quite a while, it had appeared on a Time Team episode and I wanted to have a look at the statue in the church wall. (Today I finally got around to it!)

When I left Tockenham and headed towards Tockenham Wick I stopped on the downhill stretch!!!! To take a photy of the trees in blossom!

At Dauntsey I was enjoying the ride so much instead of turning back towards Foxham I turned towards Great Somerford then headed for Sutton Benger then back towards Foxham - adding about 5 miles to the ride :-)

The ride was really good and enjoyable, I had NO knee problems at all :-)

The cycle computer had todays ride as... 40.05 miles in 2 hours 23 minutes with an average speed of 16.6 mph

The RunGPS plot can be found here...

Ohhhhhhh I have now done over 2000 miles this year!

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