Friday, April 25, 2008


Wifey bought me a new foot pump ;-) So I thought I would pump the bike tyres up properly. They were at 10 psi so I pumped them up to 30 psi.....

Hadn't realised that when I swapped the back wheel from daughters bike that I hadn't aligned it centrally and with the tyre pumped up properly the tyre started rubbing the frame......

A lesser person would have turned around and fixed it......But me being an idiot I continued on...I actually had to pedal down hill to keep the bike going! Uphill was a nightmare.

So I made it nearly 10 miles pedalling constantly!!! I was knackered.

I cycled down Naish Hill and it was terrifyingly steep I cannot believe I actually cycled UP it yesterday....

Have a look at trackme Day10 for a photy...

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