Saturday, October 4, 2008

Day 172 (Saturday)

Got up and it was cold....|So opted for a walk into town to do some chores (I also bought a sports knee brace)

Got back home at lunchtime and it was still cold and had started to get windy.

I put on some of my winter warmer cycling stuff and braved the elements.
I did my 'normal 20' (21.64) in a wet and windy (18 mph SSW Gusting 29 mph) 1 hour 20 minutes, either the ride wasn't taxing enough to cause any knee problems OR the knee brace worked but I had NO sign of any problems ;-)

When its NOT the summer I have noticed that the thought of going out and braving the elements on a bicycle is FAR worse than actually going out! with the winter jerseys, cycling trousers and gloves it doesn't yet get to bad - but I guess there's a lot more of the dark ages to go and its definitely going to get worse :-(

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