Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day 85

I was going to go for a 20 this morning...but woke up to rain trying to break through the window, so gave it a miss.

I had more or less decided at 5pm that I wasn't going to go out this evening either, but as I sat on my lardy butt feeling lethargic the need to go out on the bike overwhelmed me.

I set off towards Lacock again as I enjoyed it so much yesterday ;-) and at 3.5 miles the cycle computer stopped, I guess it got water logged ;-( it was persistent down again...

When I got to Lacock I thought it would be a good idea to ride up Bowden Hill (I remembered blogging my desire to ride up it) So I did - non-stop, Although I did have to drop into granny gears, I think I can be forgiven as it is one of the steepest hills I know!

It was slower riding Down Nash Hill than it was Up Bowden Hill - Due to the torrential rain and the extremely bad wet braking on the Mountain Bike.

According to gmap I covered 12.5 miles, arriving back home soaked but happy with my hill climbing. I have been sort of worried about hills and the SPD peddles -but climbing straight up Bowden Hill without stopping has given me a lot more confidence ;-)

Tomorrow I am going to cycle up Nash Hill ...That is the steepest hill I know locally!

When I got home I bought another cycle computer from ebay.....I think I will swap the wireless one from the Dawes onto the Mountain Bike and fit the new one to teh Dawes.

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