Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 84

My voice is still croaking from singing on Saturday ;-)

I got home at about 6:30, got changed and went straight out.

I revisited the Chippenham -> Lacock -->Chippenham route (9.4 miles) something has changed. I found myself hammering around it at full speed without having to take the bike out of the top gear range. The 9.4 miles took a mere 40 minutes

It was nice to go back on the ride and see what a real difference there was in speed, stamina and strength. Minor inclines that I went up without a second thought were major hills 84 days ago, I remember cursing trying to go down the gears to keep moving.

I dont think my speed or strength will improve much more now (I feel I go as fast as the Mountain Bike was designed to go), all I can do now is keep going to maintain my fitness and push the distance and time on bike at the weekends.

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