Saturday, September 27, 2008

Day 165 (Saturday)

Got up early

Boiled up fruit for cider fruit cake, then went for a long walk in west woods with wifey and Rosie ;-)

When we got back I finished making the cake then we had lunch, I then spent a couple of hours taking the Dawes to pieces and cleaning it up, last weekend's 200 miles left it in as bad a state as my tendon's!

Both wheels were removed and cleaned, the chain was cleaned, the rear cassette,front and rear derailers were degreased then lightly oiled, The frame was washed, cables lightly oiled and finally the chain was re-oiled. The bike looks nice and clean and has an element of bling back ;-)

Plan is to get back on the bike tomorrow for a nice short 30 mile ride. (Hopefully the bike wont get dirty straight away!)

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